talos Insurance and Risk Solutions

Insurance News

General insurance and financial services news from Australia and around the world
  1. Incentives such as lower premiums are needed to encourage home raising and retrofitting, and buybacks are no silver bullet for resilience, Queensland Reconstruction Authority CEO Jake Ellwood told an event today...

  2. Strata management agency Netstrata faces a NSW Fair Trading review following the recent media spotlight on its operations...

  3. A truck driver who posted on social media about his new job while receiving weekly workers’ compensation payments must pay $85,000 following a WorkSafe investigation...

  4. Allianz-owned boat insurer Club Marine has appointed Tim Wiles as CEO after he took the role on an interim basis last November...

  5. The General Insurance Code Governance Committee says the number of breaches reported last financial year rose 34% to 77,886 as the industry continued to struggle meeting claims handling time frames...